Actually, this is not the zoo. It's just outside our home. Outside María Luisa's window. Wow!!!!
Thinking about if that's the reason why Milo (the cat) went missing.
It's a beautiful one, though. Still finding out what kind it is. If you know or find out, write it on the comments.
Uy, que susto, compadre!
mira la que encontre en internet
parece que es una vibora llamada Chain Viper y es venenosa. Por la cabeza triangular que se ve en tus fotos parece que es venenosa, pues guardan el veneno en la mandibula lo que hace que la mandibula sea mas ancha que la punta de la nariz.Uy, que miedo...cuidense!
tia Rosa
By tia Rosa, at 9:42 PM
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