The Verdeja-Bellemans Adventures!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

...And the BOB goes to...

Yes, we're talking about the BCT version of The Oscars, with the tiny different that you wouldn't feel that proud if you get nominated for it and even less if you actually win one.

Well, I was one of the lucky ones for one of the productions from last year. And to say the truth... I feel happy and proud of it.

Check the whole story behind it and all other nominations and winners at the BCT page . My category was the 7th one.

PS. Important to notice the tie. It was a gift from my comadre Ana y José Alberto and everybody asked me about it.


  • Te ves guapisimo con ese smoking y la corbata de estrellitas. Pero... ¿era estrictamente necesario que te rapases el pelo al cero?
    Ana Escoll

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:38 AM  

  • totalmente de acuerdo con Ana: linda la corbata, y el pelo, porque?
    Rosa Verdeja

    By Blogger tia Rosa, at 12:03 PM  

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