The Verdeja-Bellemans Adventures!!

Friday, April 04, 2008


March 23rd, 2008. NICHIGO Golf Resort, Kanchanaburi
(Thanks, Kelly for the corrections)

Trying to explain “Why golf?” to non-golfers is usually a waste of time. It only encourages the “fools” image they have set in their minds to grow even bigger. So I’ve found an explanation that cultivates either curiosity, understanding, or envy.

Golf is about Golfgasm. It’s about that feeling and overwhelming physical sensation you get when striking the ball with a perfect contact. It is not only about the result of that strike -which is necessary to get the "complete" feeling of it. The Golfgasm begins right at impact; and like an electric impulse it goes from the club head’s sharp contact with the ball, making that “sflckt!” sound. It travels up the shaft through your hands directly to your spine, starting right at the first vertebra, climbing one by one until it covers the whole back, then the chest and then - there it is: the Golfgasm takes over. You are breathless at the top of the world, looking down at the clouds, floating, suspended in mid-air just enjoying ecstasy. Then, softly you return to yourself, and have that peaceful and ridiculous smile that only other golfers can detect, appreciate, admire and, of course, envy. All in a split second.

And then you want to do it and feel it again and again. And the good thing, better than sex itself, is that you can have multiple ones!! This gives an extra edge to men, for obvious reasons.

Golfgasms, oh! I love them!!!


  • a lo que tienen que llegar los hombres para poder compararse con el placer femenino...Pero na, men, que bien que puedas disfrutar multiple, aunque sea con una bolita, un palito y vestido como payaso.

    Rosa, tu unica hermana.

    By Blogger tia Rosa, at 1:47 AM  

  • Qué bueno que eres única...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:00 AM  

  • OK.....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:34 PM  

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