The Verdeja-Bellemans Adventures!!

Monday, September 26, 2005

AUSCHAM Ball Sep 2005

Originally uploaded by roverdeja.
Finally we did it! After about 2 months of rehearsals we perfomed our "Intergalactical" show last Saturday 17th of Sep.

The show was about the Star Trek team (Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Christine) that was looking for Scotty (me) who was kidnaped. The crew went to different planets, and found other characteres there, Darth Vader, Dana Scully, The Vs, The Apes, The Men in Black (all women), the cosmic girls, and then me. (Superman and Wonderwoman appeard in a momento to save all of us).

Well, the main thing is that we had so much fun... and so did the whole audience. We'll meet next Friday to have fun seeing the pictures and the video.

Click on the picture to see the rest of them.
That's the last dance (Go West) in which we all are in the stage.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Back to School

Yil & Lía first day of school [click picture to enlarge]

"Finally!" (they said and we said). Yil & Lía just started the 2005-2006 school year at the International School Ho Chi Minh City. Yil 4th grade and Lía 2nd grade.

Attention godfathers and godmothers... aren't you proud of your godchildren?

E-MAIL: Yil has a new e-mail and is happy receiving and sending mails to all his friends and family; so write to him and keep in touch. His e-mail is and you can contact Lía through his e-mail too until she gets her own.

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