The Verdeja-Bellemans Adventures!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

I'll be an artist like my mom

If you like painting, what best than having an artist mom. I can't say that about dad. He plays golf, though, and even coaches volleyball, but don't try handing him a brush. That will guarantee you only a wasted canvas and paint.

But my mom... oh my mom! When she sits there it's lovely to be near and feel her vibes with every stroke. I feel I become a better artist myself only by being there witnessing her magic.

And I don't know how, 'cause she's new in the business, but she does it as if she has painted her whole life. I guess that's what they call a "present" (or is it a "gift"?). Well, you know what I mean.

Yil says she can sell her paintings for a thousand USD each. Can you imagine? Even if she doesn't sell them, she's my favorite artist. And she's my mom. Isn't that exciting?


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