The Verdeja-Bellemans Adventures!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Games Day at International School HCMC

El grupo de Lía (Cobras) ganó el día de juegos de primaria el pasado viernes 28/Nov. El ambiente fue buenísimo y era lindo ver cómo los amigos se animaban unos a otros cuando les tocaba su turno, sin importarles a qué grupo pertenecieran.

Aquí una pequeña muestra de lo que fue ese día.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Golf joke of the day

Bill got a call from the coroner, who wants to talk about his wife's recent death. Bill told him the whole sad story. "We were on the third hole. Sally, my wife, was standing on the ladies tee about 30 yards ahead of the men's box when I hit my drive. From the sound when the ball hit her head and the way she dropped like a rock, I knew immediately that she was dead. God only knows where the ball wound up."

The coroner replied "That explains the injury to her head, but what about the Maxfli embedded in her rectum?"

"Oh," said Bill. "That was my provisional."

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Celebration of Cultures

At the international School there is the "Celebration of Cultures" every year. Many of the countries perform something special from their land. Lía participated in dance performed by the Latin community. They danced a reguetón and it was a huge sensation!

Yil went to school dressed up as a true dominican campesino and was watching proudly his sister.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Vietnam’s rules of traffic and transportation

Hi family, I got this e-mail with a very real information about the traffic in our host country, Vietnam. It might seem hilarious and funny (and actually it is) but funniest part is that it IS true! Enjoy and come visit us anytime you want to double check it.

  1. While crossing the street, you must walk in a slow constant pace. Motorbikes will pass you around… Be careful though… Cars, trucks and buses might use you as a “slowdown bump” (see also rule #10)
  2. Giving way is in direct relation with the size of the vehicle. The bigger the vehicle the more “right of way” it has.
  3. Red light in Vietnam is actually a special “shade of green”. It is known as “Tardive green” or “late green”. It means you can still keep on driving unless you hit something… or something hits you…
  4. When you turn right you should never look left.
  5. If you don’t see it – it doesn’t exist. Hence, if you don’t see it you always have the “right of way”.
  6. If you cross the road in a red light - that’s ok (see rule #3). But if you decide to stop and you stand 10cm after the stop line – you will be fined!
  7. Trucks and buses should always turn right from the most left lane. Motorbikes and bicycles should always turn left from the most right lane.
  8. Driving against traffic is always acceptable and sometimes even preferred.
  9. In a dark rainy night you should always cover your motorbike headlights with your raincoat.
  10. Crosswalk (“Zebra cross”) are not meant for crossing. They actually mark a high danger zone. It’s called “The pedestrian slowdown bump” zone.
  11. When you make a turn you should signal after turning.
  12. In a jammed crossroad, you should keep on going forward until you make sure no one else can pass.
  13. Helmets are fashion accessories. You should protect your helmet from scratches, bad weather, dust and rain.
  14. Traffic police officers job is not to control traffic. It’s to collect donations.
  15. Limitation of number of passengers in a vehicle is as follows::

Motorbike – up to 6 people, 8 pigs, 2 cows or 20 chickens.
Car – up to 20 people, 16 pigs, 3 cows or 50 chickens.

Bus – Depend on how strong are the doors… and the roof…

  1. And for the most important one: If your chest is smaller than 72cm – you are not fit to drive a motorbike! So ladies, be prepared for a Bra inspection! (and that’s no joke!)

I guess that means that if you are a “double D” size – you can drive a full trailer truck…

For more details: